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💐$799/2 Sets💐 | LOUISE Stripe Cotton Maternity PJ | 棉質條紋孕婦睡衣







$ 499/ 1 Set $ 799/ 2 Sets (鼓勵買兩套更換方便) ✔️採用極柔軟親膚棉質布料、吸汗材質,全面呵護親子肌膚 ✔️衣服2側開口, 哺乳期 方便哺乳 , 讓肌胅自宙呼吸 , 透氣吸汗 不悶熱 ✔️褲頭為可調節腰圍, 包容不同體態 ,更人性化 孕期/月子期/居家都可以穿 以细腻的棉质面料织就温柔时光,这款条子纹孕婦家居服,以经典条纹勾勒出雅致韵律,为孕期与哺乳期的每一刻注入轻盈美感。柔軟透氣的棉質親膚觸感,如雲朵般輕柔包裹身形,寬鬆剪裁巧妙包容孕肚曲線,讓舒展與自在始終相伴。兩側隱藏式哺乳開口設計,以低調精緻的工藝融入條紋紋理,既維持整體簡約格調,亦為未來哺乳時刻預留貼心巧思。無論是慵懶倚坐沙發,或與腹中小生命輕聲對話,皆能於舒適中綻放從容優雅。 Cotton Spandex , this striped loungewear for pregnant women features classic stripes outlining an elegant rhythm, infusing every moment of pregnancy and breastfeeding with a sense of lightness and beauty. Soft, breathable cotton feels like a cloud wrapping around your body, while the relaxed fit accommodates the curves of your belly, allowing you to relax and feel at ease. The hidden nursing openings on both sides are designed with a striped texture in an understated and delicate workmanship, which not only maintains the overall simple style, but also reserves thoughtful ideas for future nursing moments. Whether you are sitting on the sofa or conversing with your baby, you can enjoy the comfort and elegance.
