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INGRID Print Kimono Maternity PJ <<秋冬厚款>>復古水墨印花孕婦睡衣及產後月子服





🪻𝘐𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘥 𝘐𝘯𝘬 𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘗𝘑🪻 <<秋冬厚款>> ✔️3合1功能:孕期+哺乳+月子期間 ✔️簡潔純白配襯粉藍印花,配色高貴溫柔 ✔️和服式領口設計,讓媽媽餵哺母乳時更方便 ✔️採用極柔軟親膚布料、吸汗材質,全面呵護親子肌膚 ✔️可調節鬆緊褲頭帶,包容不同體態 . 🤍很多新手孕媽都會糾結,月子服有必要買嗎?穿普通睡衣不可以嗎?其實到孕後期(中/後期階段)肚子越來越大,普通睡衣基本是穿不上去的,而日平時的睡衣跟孕婦及產後月子服服真的是不樣!月子服 VS普通睡衣最大的區別在於月子服的上衣側邊有左右各一個哺乳口,對於哺乳親餵/泵奶有一定的便捷性;另外下裝配套(月子褲)是可調節褲腰,目的是可以在產後有較大包容產婦還未恢復的腹部體型。月子服在材質方面,盡量不要選棉麻混紡,真絲面料,棉麻混紡材質彈性不夠;真絲不太貼合身體,需選擇純棉 Pure Cotton、莫代爾棉Modal Cotton Jersey 等舒適(吸汗的材質)是最合適的。 . 📏尺碼: M/L/XL/2XL 📞歡迎聯絡預約1:1專業試身服務 📦現貨 3-5天內寄出, 預訂貨品需時約7-10天安排運送 📲歡迎WhatsApp提供胸圍尺寸(cm) 給客服查詢配對或進行訂購 ✔️3-in-1 function: pregnancy + breastfeeding + postpartum period ✔️Noble and gentle prints ✔️Kimono-style neckline design: Breastfeeding mums friendly ✔️Extremely soft, skin-friendly fabrics & sweat-absorbent materials, protects the skin of you & your baby ✔️Adjustable elastic waistband to accommodate different body shapes . 🤍Many mums would ask if it is necessary to wear confinement pjs? How about just wearing regular pjs? In fact, during 2nd to 3rd trimester, your belly is getting bigger and bigger, regular pjs are basically impossible to wear. The biggest difference between confinement pjs and regular pjs is that there is a nursing port on the left and right sides, which is incredibly friendly for breastfeeding/pumping. In terms of materials for confinement pjs, please try not to choose cotton and linen blends or silk fabrics. Cotton and linen blends are not elastic enough; silk does not fit the body well. So, you need to choose Pure Cotton or Modal Cotton Jersey, something with sweat-absorbent material are most suitable. . 📏Sizes: L/XL/2XL Model A 155 cm or below cm - Size M Model B 160 cm - Size L Model C 163 cm - Size L /XL Model D 170 cm - Size L/XL . 📦Stock will be shipped within 3-5 days. Pre -ordered items will take approximately 7-10 days to arrange delivery. 📲Welcome to provide bust size (cm) via WhatsApp to our customer service to inquire about matching or place an order. #孕婦內衣 #哺乳內衣 #孕婦睡衣 #新手媽媽 #孕期內衣 #功能內衣 #孕婦胸圍 #無鋼圈胸圍 #一對一試身服務 #內褲 #束腹褲 #母乳媽媽 #大碼胸圍 #產後束腹 #產後修復 #懷孕 #媽媽健康 #產前護理 #香港媽媽 #無痕內衣 #孕照必備 #親膚質地 #HKMums #Prenatal #Postnatal #MaternityBra #NursingBra #GrandSizeBra #MaternityLingerie #MaternityLoungeWear Model A 155 cm or below cm - Size M Model B 160 cm - Size L Model C 163 cm - Size L /XL Model D 170 cm - Size L/XL
