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📣Buy 1 get 1 Free📣 | AKI FLORAL 3 in 1 Maternity Bra 哺乳內衣





Aki Floral 3 in 1 Maternity Bra ✔️時尚優雅的廓形,非常適合穿在所有衣服下,包括那些精緻的面料 ✔️波浪形設計V 領口凸顯女人味和迷人氣質 ✔️中度支撐 : 在孕期/產後日常生活期間提供舒適保護 ✔️哺乳媽媽友善:左右肩帶設哺乳扣 ,可單手開合,餵哺母乳時更方便 ✔️採用創新黏合技術:光滑無縫、更平貼肌膚 ✔️無鋼圈設計: 質地輕盈 , 觸感柔軟 ✔️高翼設計:完美覆蓋腋下及背部多餘脂肪 ✔️加寬肩帶 :提供支撐,使胸部更穩定 ✔️彈性加寬下圍:防止乳房下垂 ✔️背扣 4 x 3 ,可自由調節下圍鬆緊, 另再配以延長扣 ✔️不可拆卸的柸墊 ✔️包容國際尺寸範圍(65-85 A/B/C max 90B ) 懷孕的時光確實是一段非常特殊的旅程,它不僅充滿了愛與奇跡,還伴隨著期待與成長。 隨著寶寶在媽媽肚子裡一天天地成長,每一天都能感受到生命的奇妙與力量。這段時間里,准媽媽們會經歷身體和情感上的許多變化,但同時也在為即將到來的新生命做準備,學習如何成為一個母親。 家人和朋友的支持與關愛,也會讓這段旅程變得更加溫馨和難忘。每個胎動、每次產檢,都是對未來的憧憬和對生命的讚美。 🥰這段時光,雖然有時會伴隨著不適和挑戰,但最終會成為每位母親心中最寶貴的記憶。 The time of pregnancy is indeed a very special journey that is not only filled with love and wonder, but also with anticipation and growth. As the baby grows day by day in the mother's womb, the wonder and power of life is felt each and every day. During this time, moms-to-be go through many changes both physically and emotionally, but at the same time, they are preparing for the new life to come and learning how to be a mother. The support and love of family and friends will also make this journey more welcoming and memorable. Every fetal movement and every labor and delivery is a vision of the future and a celebration of life. This time, although sometimes accompanied by discomfort and challenges, will ultimately become the most precious memory in every mother's heart.
